The most popular and reliable method to collect samples for DNA testing is the buccal (mouth) swab collection method. If it is not possible to obtain a buccal swab sample from an individual in question, a "forensic" sample containing biological material from the individual can be submitted through our DNA Forensic Test.
Examples of samples which are commonly submitted to our laboratory for forensic testing include:
- Dried blood stains (e.g. dried blood on bandages, on tissue, cotton, or paper)
- Dried underwear stains (e.g. stains on underwear, pads, tampons, diapers)
- Dried semen stains (e.g. stains on tissue, underwear)
- Dried saliva stains (e.g. cigarette butts, stamps, stains on clothing or napkins)
- Plucked hair with attached roots (not cut hair)
- Razor and razor shavings (electric and non-electric)
- Bone, teeth, or tissue (from deceased individual, e.g. through exhumation)
The successful generation of a DNA profile depends on the quality of the submitted sample (e.g. whether the sample has intact and sufficient DNA). If the DNA in your forensic sample is intact and sufficient, you will receive a DNA profile which can be used for additional DNA tests, such as the DNA Paternity Test.
If the DNA in your submitted forensic sample is degraded or insufficient, the laboratory cannot guarantee successful generation of a DNA profile. The cost of the forensic DNA test is non-refundable once the laboratory starts processing your forensic sample, regardless of whether a DNA profile can be successfully obtained.